Staying up to Date With Ecommerce: Best Practices - Episode 181


I received a question on LinkedIn: “I just finished Instacart for CMOs and ordered Amazon for CMOs. Thanks for the great primer - it was a really helpful framework and I found the various perspectives, challenges, and considerations you shared very helpful to grasp the full landscape of the channel. If you are open to sharing, do you have any other resource recommendations for retail media generally, hands-on keyboard execution, and retail media programs from the CPG brand or retailer perspective?” 

So today I am going to talk about three stages of getting knowledgeable and staying up to date.

Make sure to tune in to find out more!

You don’t need to have an extensive background to come up with some good ideas.
— Kiri Masters


  • Having extensive career-long experience in the retail or CPG category is not essential, you can start from anywhere.

  • Three stages of getting knowledgeable and staying up to date: 

    • Consume content: We live in a very fortunate world where there is so much content available for free, very affordable with books about various topics, blog posts, or podcasts like this one. You can also order Amazon’s retail books-go to Amazon, then retail, and then new releases, and top sellers. That's just a good way of staying up to date. Because with books it takes an enormous amount of research. The quality of content there is often just a step above what you might get in a podcast or a blog post. Another very good thing to do is following knowledgeable people on social media. It's free, it's easy to do, it's pretty passive, you can make it part of your weekly workflow, but consume content.

    • Engage in discussions: You can get deeper into the issue by asking questions. You can start by building a network on LinkedIn. Start commenting on posts, asking questions, start laying down your own theories. Don't be afraid to disagree with people and put out your own argument, it really helps you just solidify your own perspective, too.

    • Curate and/or create: Not everyone wants to be a writer, a podcaster, or put themselves out there publicly as a creator. Curating and sharing with a smaller group is still hugely beneficial. Make some content, you don’t have to be paid but it will help you to develop yourself and found out new things. It could be something you make internally in your company, some updates or news, and try to explain how that will impact your business. This is a really great thing if you want to demonstrate some proactivity in your company and set yourself apart. You start sending around each week or every two weeks an update of what happened in your world and where you see the trends going or a conversation that you had with a colleague from a different company about something that's going on in their business. 


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Keeping Your Amazon Team at the Cutting Edge with Michael Erickson

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