The Amazon For CMOs Series: Discussion With Dora Du, CMO at Wynd Technologies - Episode 163



To celebrate the 1-year anniversary of Amazon for CMOs, we’re releasing a few of the interviews that Kiri Masters and Mark Power recorded as research for the book. In this episode, we bring you a conversation with Dora Du, CMO at Wynd Technologies. They specialize in air quality sensors, monitors, purification, and overall insights. As CMO, Dora leads the marketing team. She brings her expertise from brand management and data-driven marketing.

Make sure to tune in!

Dora started at Reckitt Benckiser as an analyst, gone through various roles, and moved to data-driven marketing. Afterward, she moved into product innovation, where she worked with four to five different start-up companies, and one of them was Wynd Technologies.

Naturally, online it’s definitely easier to access your consumers, offline gives you that extra presence, but also allows the consumers to actually engage with the physical product in-store, but also obviously, the credibility that it has when you’re in Apple Store really helps the overall brand reputation.
— Dora Du


  • Digital innovation and investing in the future - a lot of Brick & Mortar retail is shifting towards eCommerce and online shopping, and more and more traffic is moving there.

  • Wynd’s first product was a portable air purifier - the first product of its kind on the market, so they needed some initial feedback.

  • They launched the product on Indiegogo, and after on their DTC channel and Amazon in order to get more exposure.

  • Amazon is a constantly developing platform, a fast-evolving channel - there was a lot of learning, split-testing, experimenting with campaigns.

  • The most important Amazon-related insights:

    • PPC strategy

    • Managing inventory

    • Choosing the right fulfillment type

    • Shipping times

  • Omnichannel advertising strategy:

    • Driving traffic to both DTC and Amazon

    • Cross-channel marketing materials


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