Recent Updates to Amazon's Sponsored Brands Ad Type - Episode 109
Today we’re sharing with you another live conversation rounding up a few months’ worth of new features and developments in Amazon's Sponsored Brands. This is a really popular ad type for the brand registered sellers and vendors on Amazon because they show up right at the top of search results. This ad type has been around for about two years now, and many features and upgrades have been added, as well as some new targeting options. This is a very effective ad type for brands looking to grow, so be sure to tune today, to find out all the details.
In today's episode, Kiri and Stefan explain what Sponsored Brands ads are and how they work. They discuss five of these new features, what they look like, and how to use them, adding products from a list in bulk, changes to the daily budget calculation, whether or not to allow Amazon to optimize your ads for you, automated bidding, video, sponsored brands, and also, the features that we would like Amazon to add to this particular ad type.
“The fact that Amazon is currently investing in Sponsored Brands ads is a sign that they are important for them and they are definitely important for us.”
Kiri explains why she loves Sponsored Brands placements.
Stefan and Kiri discuss the effectiveness of Sponsored Brands ad placements.
Stefan explains why people love Amazon's Sponsored Brands ad placements.
Some of the improvements have been around for a while and some of them are quite new.
Stefan thinks that the fact that Amazon is currently investing inSponsored Brands ads is a sign that they are important for them.
Product targeting for Sponsored Brands is now available. Stefan explains what this means for advertisers.
With product targeting for Sponsored Brands, you can target either individual ASINs or categories.
Sponsored Brands ad placements open a whole window of opportunity and allow more fire-power to every brand that uses them.
Now, product targeting is available for this ad type instead of the keyword targeting that was used before.
Stefan talks about the straightforward adding of products form a list, rather than using bulk files.
The way that the daily budget is calculated has now also changed. Stefan explains how this works.
Amazon will optimize your Sponsored Brands ad. Stefan explains what this means.
Why Stefan doesn't think we should be nervous about automated billing.
Video in Sponsored Brands could prove to be a great win.
“Sponsored Brands ads are a really great top-of-funnel brand-building ad-type.”
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